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Arrears of Rates - 

See also 68864, 68865

Image details

Historical Period
Locations Wortley Union
Names Wm Normanton, Chas Ibbotson, Wm Driver, John Hancock, Richard Sanderson, Joseph Ashforth, Benj Damms, Samuel Bancroft, John Brown, Wm Bennett, Wm Bradbury, Wm Heath, Benj Bradshaw, Francis Day, G S Brittain, Thos Spooner, Stephen Rose, Wm Fearnley, Joseph Matthews, John Hall, C Crownshaw, J Illingworth, Joseph Robinson, John Marsh, John Chapman, Emanuel Inman, Matthew Levesley, Isaac Fisher, Robert Atherton, Robert Bocking, Elijah Cheetham, Geo Crookes, Wm Chapman, Joseph Cliffe, Joseph Hodgson, Wm booth, Elizth Crookes, Thos Tyler
Our Reference 79 a/64
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Latin Translation