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Workhouse admission and discharge book 1821-1847

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Historical Period
Locations York, Thurlstone, Wortley, Staley Bridge
Names Alice Ball*, Elizth Ball*, Jas Dyson*, Wm Hutchinson, Mary Hirst*, Chas Hirst*, Edward Oates, Hannah Taylor*, Mary Taylor, John Taylor, Ann Barker*, Joseph Barker, Geo Henry Barker*, Mary Firth, Aaron Firth, Mary Wigglesworth, Ann Wigglesworth, Sarah Wigglesworth, Josh Wragg, Wm Hallam, Deborah Hallam, Joseph Hallam, Elizabeth Hallam, James Dyson, Robert Johnson, Sam Thorpe, Lewis Brownell, Walker Hobson, Amelia Hobson, Christopher Hudson
Our Reference 11/26
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Latin Translation