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Farm & Land Sales - 

See also 72074, 72075, 72076, 72077, 72078, 72079, 72080, 72081, 72082, 72083, 72084, 72085, 72086, 72087, 72088, 72089, 72090, 72091, 72092, 72093, 72095, 72096, 72097, 72098, 72099, 72100, 72101, 72102

Image details

Historical Period
Locations Sheffield, County of York, Bamford, County of Derby, Cutlers Hall, 19 Surrey Street, Strand, London, Glossop
Names Henry Duke of Norfolk*, Eadon(&)Lockwood, Messrs Few(&Co), Augusta Mary Minna Catherine Duchess of Norfolk, Edward George Baron Howard, William Bernard Baron Petre, Henry Valentine Baron Stafford, Henry Wellesley*, William Robert Gamul Farmer*, Edward Baron Crofton*, Isaac Hall, Frederick Ashton Heath, Alfred Hennell Covernton, William Cameron, Moore, Sheffield Corporation
Our Reference fls/103
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